Thursday, November 13, 2008

!!!!!!!!!...........OWN MULTI BOOT DVD...........!!!!!!!!!

Here's how you can make your own multi-OS installer DVD—completely
legal, and no piracy involved (as long as you don't go distributing
these DVDs, of course)!
What you need:
1. Magic ISO Maker, a powerful CD/DVD image file creating, editing and
extracting tool. It handles both CD and DVD image files, converts BIN
to ISO and back, makes an ISO file from a DVD/CD-ROM or hard disk, and
handles boot information. MagicISO can also make multiple boot CD/DVD
image files. It is available from, is a 2.6 MB
download, and costs $29.95
(Rs 1,400).
2. A DVD writer and a few blank DVDs.
3. Your original operating system CDs.
We shall take, as an example, a multi-boot DVD with your copies of
Windows XP Professional and Windows 98.

The magicISO interface

Collect the bootable images from installation CD

Make an ISO from a CD-ROM

Create a folder "boot" on the C drive. Insert one of the operating
system's installation CD into the DVD drive. Click the "Make CD/DVD
image file from CD/DVD-ROM" button to open the "Make ISO from CD-ROM"
dialog. Choose CD-ROM, and select an appropriate output file name like
bootxp.bif with the path to save set to C:Boot, and choose "Export
Boot Image". Repeat this for Windows 98 and call its boot image

Make the multiple OS DVD compilation
In MagicISO, click the "Create new image file" button on the toolbar.
Click the folder-shaped button to create the "WinXP" folder in the
root directory. Insert the Windows XP Professional CD and copy all its
contents into this folder. Click the Save button to save the
compilation as C:multiboot.iso. Eject the CD and insert the CD of the
next operating system into the drive. Create a folder with an
appropriate name and repeat the above procedure.
Open C:multiboot.iso with MagicISO. Hold down [Ctrl], and use the
mouse to drag the "WinXPi386" folder to the root directory.
Right-click on "i386" to rename it to "iWXP". Repeat the steps for
Windows 98, calling it iW98, for instance.
Copy the files "WinXPWIN51", "WinXPWIN51IP" and "WinXP WIN51IP.SP2" to
the root directory. Now create a folder called "iWXP" in "c:boot".
Extract the "iWXPSETUPLDR.BIN" file to "c:bootiWXP":
1. Select the iWXPSETUPLDR.BIN file.
2. Click the button to extract the file to "c:bootiWXP".
Open "c:bootiWXPSETUPLDR.BIN" with a Hex Editor—UltraEdit is a good example.
Replace all instances of "I386" with "IWXP" (Use upper-case letters).
Copy c:bootiWXPSETUPLDR.BIN back to "iWXPSETUPLDR .BIN" in the
multiboot.iso that you have open.
From the open multiboot.iso, extract "iWXPTXTSETUP.SIF" file to "c:bootiWXP":
1. Select the "iWXPTXTSETUP.SIF" file.
2. Click on the Extract button to extract the file to "c:bootiWXP".
Open "c:bootiWXPTXTSETUP.SIF" with Notepad. Replace all instances of
"I386" within the section "[SourceDisksNames.x86]" with "IWXP"
Copy "c:bootiWXPTXTSETUP.SIF" back to "iWXPTXTSETUP.SIF" within c:multiboot.iso.
Now insert the Windows 98 CD and drag the Win98 folder to the root.

Make the multi-boot DVD image file
Click on the "Make multi-boot CD/DVD image file" button to open the
Multi-Boot Image Editor. Click "Add..." to add an item to multi-boot
image file. The Bootable Wizard will open and guide you. Choose "Boot
from bootable image file" and click Next to go to the next step.
Choose the "From Local Computer" option, input "C:boot bootxp.bif",
and click Next to go to the next step. Input the menu description of
Window XP, and set "Hot Key" to "1". Click Finish to complete the
Windows XP bootable item.

The bootable Wizard for the first OS

Now click again on "Add…" to add one more boot item. Repeat this for
the Windows 98 bootable image file.
Now, in the Multi-Boot Image Editor, select an item that you wish to
make the default boot option and click on "Set Default". Click on the
Save button to save the multi-boot image file to

Finalising and burning the DVD
Open C:multboot.iso again. Click on "Load boot image ..." to open the
"Bootable Option" dialog. Choose "From multi-bootable image file" and
select "c:boot multiboot_ boot.mbi". Save the ISO. Now go ahead and
burn the DVD!

Burn the multi-boot DVD

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hi people,

Here's another way to download without u having to get up at 2 am to switch off/on your router.( Shajul's software dataonemanager is the other one)

However that s/w has a few shortcomings. (the code not being open source is chief among them ), so i figured there could be a better way to do the same thing.

so this is how to do it:

1. If your router is a router, i.e. it is the one that authenticates your access to your ISP's network, then you would have to change it to a bridge router.
Hey no worries, folks! no need to go out and buy a new one. Looks like your existing modem can be converted into one:

Here's how you do it:
(Disclaimer: I have only a Nokia Siemens C2110 router with me. So I can show you how to configure a bridged router for that model only. Most probably other routers wouldn't differ too much from this.)

1. Connect to your router page (usually) at Login to it. Chances are your username/password would still be admin/admin.
Click on Configuration -> Internet Connection on the left pane. This is the page you would get:

huh! you might be wondering the last line in your page differs from what you see in the image. Yours would be saying something like "PPoE_0_35" under the PVC Name column. Relax! this is the configuration we are going to have when we finish reconfiguring your modem.

2. Click on the edit button (the icon with a pencil image). Click "Next" on the page you get.

3.In the second page, click on "Bridging". Click "Next".

3. Click "Next" for the third page too.

4. Finally click "Apply" on the last page. Close the browser window.

Thats all you set, well.....almost!

Now go to Control Panel ->Network Connections -> Click on File-> New Connection....

4. Now select "Connect to the internet". Then select "Set up my connection manually", then, "Connect using a broadband modem that requires a user name and password". Type in any name you want to call your connection. Then type in the user name and password for accessing your broadband connection.

Make sure your computer connects to the internet using the above settings. Test it by clicking on the connection you just created and then clicking "Connect".

If your connection works then the hard part is (almost!) over.

What we are now going to do is create two batch files...( those .bat files you see occasionally).

1.First open Notepad.Then type in the following line:

rasdial "" "user name" "password"

Save the file as Connect.bat .i.e change the file type to bat.

2. Now open Notepad again and type the following:

rasdial /disconnect

Save the file as Disconnect.bat.

ok. now open scheduled tasks. For Windows XP it is "Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Tasks->Scheduled Tasks"

1. Click on Add scheduled task and click Next to start the wizard.

2. Click on Browse. Select "Connect.bat".

4. Now configure the task as how you want to connect to the Net. I selected "Daily,Start time: 2:08", Perform this task: Daily,"Start Date: <...>".

5. Add another scheduled task this time for Disconnect.bat.
for 500C, 500C+ users, Start time : 2:08 for Connect.bat and 7:50 for Disconnect.bat is very safe. but sync ur computer clock with to be doubly sure.

6. Add as many scheduled tasks for your torrent clients or download managers with Start time after that of Connect.bat.


If u plan to leave your computer on during the night, this is okay.

however for scrimpers and misers like me, i plan to have my computer switching on just before the connecting time. Seems there's a way in ur BIOS to do dat too. there's smething called a wake up on alarm and a couple of options after that, prob'bly in the Power Configuration menu. Just look around in your mobo manual, it isnt hard.

This method has a number of advantages....:
1. no fixed IP.
2. the time to connect can be as u please. so its flexible.
3. everything's transparent and simple.
4. the s/w didnt work for me.. yeah, i'm a dumbhead. it could be something i did or did not, so i found this little workaround.

So thats probably it. Please feel free to reply if u get into any problems. i'll be only too happy to help.

ok, i think this method has been suggested by someone a long time back. my apologies to him!

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